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Sailing & Mountain Biking adventure!

An amazing sail and e-bike trip to Muskeg Lake on Gambier Island with Bjorn Enga yesterday! The return trip is recorded in the video. What an excellent way to bring in summer 2018 !

Started with a beautiful one hour sail from our home port of Gibsons to New Brighton on nearby Gambier Island in Howe Sound. Unloaded Bjorn's top-notch e-bikes (for specs, see his Kranked site) and had an incredible ride up the mountain on old logging roads that transition into trails that transition into bush! We stopped there to take a refreshing swim in Muskeg Lake, a small clear body of fresh water nestled in the wilderness not far from the mountain peak.

Enabled the GPS receiver for the trip down the mountain, back to the dock. Passing the same hikers we had seen hours earlier, still trekking their way up the mountain in the hot sun. We got to ride up, even on the steep slopes, effortlessly using the hi-performance electric motors connected to the long-lasting lithium batteries in our back packs. But we turned the motors off when we passed the hikers, or stopped to chat with them. We didn't want to rub it in.

Once back at the dock, we jumped off the high pier to take another refreshing swim, this time in the sea. Followed by a delicious BBQ onboard, before sailing back to Gibsons, arriving 8 hours after we cast off. Exploring an island wilderness doesn't get much easier or more enjoyable than Bjorn & Tony's excellent adventure!

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